Information for International Residents and Visitors in/to Akita Prefecture(英語)
This service offers information and advice on a wide range of issues to international residents and visitors in/to Akita. On both the English and Japanese pages, the following item numbers are consistent in the resource they refer to. If the English page is missing a number, it means there is no information to provide for that item.
- Living in Akita Guidebooks [9402KB]
- Information about the Consultation Center for Foreign Residents (external link to AIA’s website.)
- Medical Information for when Traveling (external link to JNTO’s website.)
- Safety Tips (an app for international visitors that provides disaster information) (external link to JNTO’s website.)
- Immigration Services Agency of Japan/ One-Stop Support Center for Foreign Residents (external link to the website of the Ministry of Justice, Immigration Services Agency of Japan.)
- My Number System (external link to the website of the Digital Agency, Government of Japan.)
- Basic Resident Registration System for Foreign Residents (external link to the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.)
- Disembarkation Card for Foreign Nationals / Embarkation and Disembarkation Card for Re-entrants (a.k.a. ED Card) (external link to the website of the Ministry of Justice, Immigration Services Agency of Japan.)
- Information on Japan’s Child-Care Allowance System (external link to CLAIR’s website.)
※AIA refers to the Akita International Association.
※CLAIR refers to the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations.
※JNTO refers to the Japan National Tourism Organization.