33rd ISAG 2012.7月.「Association of the single nucleotide polymorphisms in cholesystokinin type A receptor gene wiith growth traits in Japanese Hinai-dori crossbred chickens」(比内鶏交雑家系におけるコレシストキニンA受容体遺伝子のSNPと発育形質との関連性)
33rd International society for animal genetics
Kazuhiro Rikimaru1,2, Megumi Komatsu1, Daiki Takahashi1, Keiichi Suzuki2, Yoshinobu Uemoto3, Hisato Takeda4, and Hideaki Takahashi4
1Akita livestock Experiment Station, Daisen, Akita, Japan
2Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
3National Livestock Breeding Center, Nishigo, Hukushima, Japan
4National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan